Coal: There's coal in them thar hills!
At the west end of the river line, three big
N&W six axle diesels switch the coal
mine. (In reality this is a loads in/out
manuver from the power plant facility in the
ajacent aisle, as the train passes through a
opening in the backdrop wall).
Photo by Paul Chycinski.

Small Town
Stop: A Chicago and Northwestern
local makes a stop at the small station of
Valley along the single track "River Line".
It is summer and there is not much activity
early this morning.
Photo by: Paul Chycinski

Action at
Union Station: The City of San
Francisco and Coast Daylight prepare to
depart with a CNW 400 train in the
background having just arrived. The
background area is the industrial district
with warehouses and manufacturing buildings.
Further to the depot, is the REA and Express
Photo By: Craig Willett

East Bound:
The eastbound Coast Daylight of the Southern
Pacific glides effortlessly along the river
line. The red and orange train stands out
from the lush green foliage along the river
Photo By: Craig Willett

The Place
to Be: The City of San Francisco is
speeding across the double track river
bridge as it heads east to Chicago, while
below, the California Zephyr snakes along
the banks of the river heading west on the
single track main. Meanwhile some of
the local boys are launching a boat into the
river to enjoy the day fishing.
Photo By: Paul Chycinski

Station: Alex Sansone (standing),
gives some advice to Jeff Otto as Jeff
programs his ICG Geep. The Programming
station is off layout, and supported by a
laptop PC running JMRI Decoder-Pro. Each
member is assigned a two-digit prefix code
for their four-digit locomotive address.
This ensures that no two members will have a
Photo By: Dan Rehorst

Autumn on
the Soo Line: These two photos
showcase the autumn scene near the towns of
Jewell and Independence.
You may note that the road passing the barn
seems to go to infinity. With some crafty
use of actual rural photos on the backdrop
wall and careful blending of the foreground
scenery one can create the illusion of
depth. This concept was introduced by David
Karkoski in the industrial area, and adapted
for use in this location by Mike Sosalla.
The train is modeled and photographed by
John Decker.
With modest amounts of weathering to the
locomotives and equipment, the scene comes
alive with the colors of fall.

Builder: The sky suggests a
summer storm brewing as Bob Zoeller’s
westbound Empire Builder eases to a stop for
its scheduled reverse move into the club’s
main station to the left. The move is
controlled by the Union Terminal
Interlocking Tower between legs of the
wye. Notice the backdrop
between the nearest buildings behind the
engines and the gray panel truck. The
structures themselves have become their own
background using an ingenious photographic
technique being pioneered by Dave Karkoski,
who also built the buildings, installed the
scenery, and took the photo of it all!

The Lull:
The Union Terminal concourse in the
distance is virtually deserted. It’s
after 2:00 AM, and things are relatively
hushed. The muffled hissing of steam
and an occasional closing door gently echo
through the train shed. In the
foreground two REA delivery trucks quietly
accept new loads. They’ll be gone
shortly though: at just about 3:00 AM the
“fast mail” will arrive, and with it a din
of commotion -- noise, rushing
carts, clouds of steam, workers straining
to hurry, and the unmistakable smell of
diesel fumes. Enjoy the calm while
it lasts!

Raring To Go! Two
colorful stallions wait impatiently in the
engine servicing facilities adjacent NAPM’s
busy Union Terminal. Mike
Sosalla’s Santa Fe F7 No. 43 will back in
and onto its famous stainless steel Super
Chief as Rick Zehetner’s Milwaukee Road FP45
No. 5 idles until train time for the
Afternoon Hiawatha. Passenger trains
have been integral to NAPM’s operating
sessions for years, but now, with so many
new detailed and affordable models
available, the outlook for dedicated
passenger sessions is improving!

Making it Bigger Kit-basher
bay on the Ottawa roundhouse. The
structure was originally a Kibri
(European-style) 1890’s-vintage kit sized
for small steam engines. Dan
“Americanized” the architecture by stripping
off the gingerbread decoration and adding
1930’s-type brick extensions to two of the
three bays. The result exhibits the
“added-to” look most roundhouses showed as
steam locomotives grew in size and

River Running Train
81, a westbound freight with Mike Sosalla’s
GN GP20’s in the lead snakes across the
tight bend in the Sandsoft River on its way
to our major division point, Fleming Yard.
There the train will be taken apart and
reclassified during its scheduled two-hour
layover. You may recognize this scene
from the cover of the 2000 Walthers HO
catalog. Mike Javoroski originally did
the most of the scenery and Jim Newell
kit-bashed the bridge. Over the years
others have added new touches, like Alan
Houtz who made the river come alive with
rapids. The NAPM river aisle is a good
example of how layout detail can be made
better and better over time.

Makin' Bacon George
Thelen’s Soo Line F units cruise slowly
westbound with the empty meat reefers of a
unit train through corn fields and prairie
grass created by members Alex and Tom
Sansone. Here seen approaching Altoona
and PI Tower, these cars will leave the west
end of our railroad at Marango, but will
return several operating sessions later with
a higher priority designation.

The Ground Plane
Scenery detail expert
George Thelen doesn’t work quickly, but no
one’s complaining! His meticulous
efforts are worth the wait!
“GT” and photographer Mike Sosalla are
currently detailing the ground plane east
of Independence/Altoona, working their way
westward spreading dried and natural
materials like finely sifted “traffic
bond” limestone and real “dirt”.
Once GT gets everything ‘just so” a fine
mist rain of water and white glue is used
to fix it in place. Keep it up,

Power. A brand new Southern
Pacific U50D draws the attention of a
passing railfan who’s lucky enough to
have his camera with him.
Wearing SP’s “bloody nose”
livery, the locomotive halts a Baron
Moving truck in its tracks as it edges
across an unguarded crossing in East LaSalle. One of
the most scenic parts of the club’s high
speed double-track main is overhead just
beyond the brewery building.

BUT NOT GONE. The fate
of many a late-19th Century station is
commemorated in Dave Karkoski’s
super-detailed boarded-up station at
East LaSalle, an often-unnoticed part
of that now-famous part of the NAPM
layout. Though “ELA” was
featured as the cover story of the
March, 2003 issue of Model Railroader,
this old building didn’t even get
billing on the site map. It
stands forlornly just west of Zaremba
Coal. Next time you visit, take
a look -- it’s one of the best models
on the layout. |

Lots of
Action. Entirely oblivious to
goings-on at the brothel next door, a
Pennsy switching crew emerges from beneath
the Weber Fire Door Manufacturing Co.
plant on its way to retrieve empty coal
hoppers from the brewery’s boiler plant. “Action” at the
saloon, originally an abandoned building
as Dave Karkoski first conceived it, was a
last wish from long-time “Proto” Treasurer
and unofficial tour guide Duane Wright,
who left us in July 2006.
The girls are overdoing it a bit,
but that’s just as Duane had always
described the scene to visitors. |

Many More Miles to Go...
NAPM stalwart Gary Lenz
spends part of his Thursday
work-night painstakingly adding a
few more feet of ballast to the
roadbed near the MarangoYard cutoff
near what we know as Deer
Park. Gary’s
using a soft-bristle brush to tease
the tiny pieces between the ties. Next he’ll
spray a gentle mist of
detergent-laden water, then finish
up with a drenching of diluted white
glue that will cement things in
place hard as a rock! Even after
21 years of continuous construction
progress, there’s still plenty of
track and scenery left to finish and
detail. As
always says, “Patience, boys, we’re
getting there!”

Inviting To The Traveler Nightfall
the club’s future plans to institute
full-blown night operating sessions.
On the platforms outside the terminal’s
brightly-lit interior spaces dozens of
realistic scratch-made lamps illuminate
platforms between waiting
streamliners. Beyond them operating
signals will show the crews the way to and
along the main line. Emerging
electronic technologies including
reliably-lit passenger-car interiors, ever
more realistic micro LED signals, street and
structure lighting, and subtle overhead
lighting will bring the club’s operations to
a new dimension of realism. In the
ideal, the biggest challenge may be avoiding
collisions between real people in the
darkened room! |

The Rush To Board! A
seemingly endless parade of passengers moves
beneath Union Station’s shimmering platform
lights toward one of seven streamliners in
this night-time scene at NAPM’s Union
Station. The trains, each the favorite
of a different club member, occupy only half
the tracks in the cavernous train
shed. Prototype passenger
station operations are being studied.
Full-scale terminal operating sessions will
soon be in the planning stages. |

Train Time!
A sudden lull at the
concourse newsstand is sure indication
that train time for the “400” is
near. You can imagine the staccato
sounds of slamming step wells and
vestibule doors as the roar of the
powerful diesels replaces the quiet drone
of echoing voices and footsteps in the
cavernous shed.

Eastbound Freight
A dusty Wabash mike
heads a long freight out of East LaSalle
on the portion of the road that’s single
track during one of the twice-monthly
operating sessions. The freight
headed for the club’s main freight
classification yard at Fleming, where all
cars are sorted for predetermined
destinations on and off the railroad.

The Chief Arriving The
club’s crack streamliner slows
westbound in preparation for backing
in at the club’s sprawling stub-end Union
Terminal where a two-hour layover is part of
the operating scenario. Fine-tuned
computerized switches controlled from the
operator’s hand-held DCC paddle allow the
engineer to slide his train into any of the
dozen train-length tracks that reside
beneath the massive steel trainshed. |
River Crossing
The Chief glides across
the kit-bashed multi-span bridge over the
Sandsoft River. The realistic
sandstone bluffs and their crowning trees
were the very first scenery built
beginning in the late 80’s. The
scene may look familiar: A photo of it was
on the cover of Walther’s HO Catalog in

No Stopping Here!
A member’s GS-4 and
“Daylight” train roars eastbound at full
speed past the tiny rural depot and
antiquated coal tipple at “High Bridge”
and down the 70-foot-long aisle known as
the “River Line”. It’s scenes like
this that underscore the advantages of
club membership over “going it
alone”. Fine modeling from at least
a dozen members is included in this view
Road To Industry
This remarkable view
looking North on busy Tippecanoe Avenue is
a favorite location on the railroad.
It’s easy to see why the editors of Model
Railroader asked for a feature article
about this place we call “East LaSalle”
and used it on the cover of their March,
2003 issue. (Note: there are no
trains in sight!)

Heavy Traffic
Congestion in the tight
spaces between the rear concourse area of
Union Station and the adjacent REA
warehouse & transfer facility is
particularly heavy in this scene.

Parking at a Premium
The depot’s “Traveler”
restaurant generates its own local traffic
in addition to that from railroad
passengers, so the parking lot is often
full even at slow train times.

Pioneer Limited.
The Milwaukee Road's
Pioneer Ltd. is ready for boarding on
track 4 of Union Depot, as a mix of
sleeping cars make up the train. Consist
includes former Union Pacific "Pacific"
series sleeper built by Budd, with a
"Raymond" and several "River"
sleepers built by Pullman.